


today was stage combat first, then dance, and finally improv - followed by lunch and our 2hr 45 min acting class.

stage combat- did some crazy akido/martial arts warmups and learned how to thank the teacher and ourselves for the time in korean. then we learned a "basic" stage fall, although it was not basic at all. it consisted of about 6 different steps that all have to be done smoothly and quickly so they're believable. basically i semi-know how to throw someone to the ground. pretty cool. i'm excited to learn more of this, it's super interesting.

dance - STILL my favorite class, by far...it's just so great. i always feel so connected to myself and the rest of the 9 dancers and i made a playlist last night on my i-pod to dance to today, and mollye (teacher) played it. it was great. i always work so hard and throw myself completely into it and focus on the movements, and nothing else. it's so liberating; i think that's why it really meshes with me.

improv - sparky is our teacher. his name alone makes me like his class. we just did basic improv games (it was our first time there) and ran around like maniacs in them. it's crazy, but i really do learn so much in each class, whether it's a different way of thinking or perspective on what i already know. i love that about this place. i'm just trying to be as open as possible to absorb as much as possible in these intense 4 weeks. also last night i had tons of homework - well hello, tonight. i have more! whoo hooooo. supposedly we get graded in a way and then it'll count as a high school credit? which is a plus, but i didn't really know about that. also EVERYTHING is so physical and athletic. each class. we're constantly moving, stretching, running, miming, etc. it's great, i'm breaking a sweat basically 24/7 and absolutely exhausted, but i relish it.

acting - amazing. we did mirroring and learned learned learned. we also did these intense 5 minute scenes 2 at a time on stage where we improv-ed without speaking and they were deep and riveting and exciting. i'm taking notes all the time in that class and listening to everything i can.

also there's only about 40 kids in the drama program here and we're split into smaller groups for our classes so it's a very concentrated group of seriously interested and engaged kids - which is AWESOME to share this passion with other people just as impassioned.

off to do sidewalk chalk with a few of the wonderfuls


  1. with every post i get more and more intrigued...

    i miss you chil'

  2. NCSA is so fun, I'm glad your liking Summer Session. I had a great time there, it really helped me a lot with acting and it was cool to be really independent. I loved the constant moving too, dance was always my favorite. And Sparky is wonderful!
