
thus begins

my theater / ncsa journal, as per teacher request
three sentences every day, he said. (he) is michael abbott, fresh off broadway and a graduate of UNCSA college and also writing a 12 episode HBO series in which he'll act, with his co-writer, sometime at the end of this year or next year.

so today:
dance was my first class for an hour and a half (yes, dance in drama program!) and it is aMAZING. we run around and make organic shapes and feel our bodies and it's just absolutely fabulous. i always come outta there with a huge grin and super sweaty.
then next was singing (yes, singing in drama program!) and that was pretty awesome, too. we learned how to breathe correctly, found our diaphragms and other important anatomy basics, and started singing.
theeeen camera! as in film acting. we basically did this short sentence on camera and then critiqued it.
i have homework for all of the above.

then lunch and THEN 2 hr 45 min. acting class, with abbott.
freaking. amazing.
we talked for 10 min about ourselves and then lay on the floor with the lights out and felt our bodies connecting to the floor and utilized our senses and meditated. and he told us we were on a beach in a lightning storm, etc. and then we learned about given circumstances and got homework, too.
i have to watch someone and notice all their movements and gestures, etc. and then create a playlist of music. and then come up with actions and otha sheeeit.

basically i'm lovin it. and we worked out and then swam and then saw an adorable ground hog (!!) out front of the (surprisingly well-equipped) fitness center. and i had a garden burger with mushrooms for dinner. and i'm in heaven.

k good homework post. one thing checked off my list...!