
Non venirmi a raccontare stronzate*

Fucking ACT tomorrow morning, bright and fucking early in raleigh...
damn damn damnity damn. i'm so over standardized testing. really.
i just want to do well and be done. but i know it's not that simple because i suck at these types of tests.
i dunno what it is. I do fine in school, but when it comes to these? not so much.
although the ACT seems to be much easier; hopefully that'll be on my side.

on the other hand, i went to the madhatter today and got a rasberry/blackberry italian soda and a chocolate crossant and sat there and did some practice tests and tried to relax maybe a lil bit?

but mostly what i enjoyed about today was dinner with matt and his mom and my parents. and matt and i made dessert, these puff-pastry things which you're supposed to stuff with ice cream and top with whipped cream/hot fudge sauce buuuuuut they kinda failed. we still made it work, though. and turned the whipped cream green (one second it's normal, and next thing i know - blue/yellow dye has been added in!)

and then we all played Boggle after dinner. siiiiigh. it was quite lovely.

dios mio, es la hora para dormir...hasta maƱana

Don't give me that bullshit

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