
lord, I was born a ramblin' man

Celebrating Father's day tonight. I'm gonna be at NCSA next sunday, when the actual day is, so we're just doing it a week early. my sister/I made lemon bars cocknaigne. they're baking right now - should be quiiite delicious.

hopefully I'll get to see Ben tomorrow. i miss that kid. he's one of my closest friends, and yet i rarely see him because he lives not so close and goes to cfs. and i don't work at riverlea, any longer.

i haven't actually gone to the pool yet, this summer; just the eno and other various water sources. i will finally go to one tomorrow, for my sister and her friend's birthday party, possibly with ben and definitely maddster. mmmm

also: 630 AM cross country practices start tomorrow...paired with 5o'clock afternoon ones.
yes, this is how i will spend this summer (and the past 2 summers, my god)
except for i'll be gone for a bunch of it, as always. but still - where is the love/sleep??

1 comment:

  1. yo! i'll be running with you guys sometimesss, lemme holla at some times 'n dates home girl
