my last post was in September - what a terrible, terrible blogger I am!! just too much going on to sit down and blog, but ah here comes the time when I'm going to (writing college essays on Christmas YES)
what a lovely christmas, the grandparents are here, the cousins/auntuncle left last night, and I have lovely presents. among my favorite are the rodarte for target dress and hat that I'm currently wearing and a coffee thermos all of my own!! (my parents realized that because I am constantly taking it to school every morning in their thermos, I should probly have one)
(it's without the belt, of course) I also got a disposable camera as a gift from my old babysitter's annual xmas party and I forgot how much I love those suckers...such an awesome photo quality, once printed! I've been toting it with me everywhere and snapping random shots. can't wait to develop.
I wish I could go on a hike today, but it's pretty nasty - rainy, cold, and rather dark. so instead I'll write and then hopefully start the long process of uploading songs to my new iPod!
also macbeth's my next project, and I couldn't be more excited (i'm Banquo, for any of you who knows the play) it's gonna be a rockin' good time and a fab way to leave high school. I should be running but once xc season ended, I moved right into playing piano for Godspell and having rehearsals so again, all my time for running was sucked up. irony: I had four days in between the end of godspell and beginning of macbeth rehearsals (HA...such is the life of the theatah, I suppose)
merry christmas all - tell someone how thankful you are to have them in your life enjoy today with a hot cup of chocolate or chai tea (and of course family)
I don't really want to just write all of my stressed worries, because everyone has them, but I need some sort of outlet, at least a bit
.. i just think I'm a lil in over my head and having huge motivational deficit is not a help, either I hate being melodramatic and whiny but I want to be.
Tomorrow's senior night for XC which! And dow's birthday. And I'm really excited about this (finally) fall weather blowing through with tonight's cold front/storm. I can't wait. I love fall. I had a fairly good weekend:
- made banana cake/ brownies with matt for kacper's birthday, friday - ran the fitness world fall 5k with my dad sat morning (he came in 2nd place overall, out of 400...7 seconds behind #1!!) (k i'm a little proud of him.) i came in 50th or so, so I can't complain. - went to pride with kacper and his brother and luuuurved it, as always - helped kacper make shish kebabs for his birthday bbq and set up, etc - had a lovely night with a few lovely people - and then sunday, i spent doing homework and cleaning, piano lesson, etc
which reminds me - I've taken on playing the piano for Godspell, our next to next mainstage show. it's a shit ton of music, I had no clue. i'm sort of freaking out about that...? it's over 50 pages of music I have to learn very, very soon.
perhaps I need to stop taking on more things than I can all sounds so good, but in reality I am so over my head with learning godspell, piano, college apps, xc, directing part of "the seagull" with graham (savior), regular school work projects papers etc, ap music theory, nhs, senior project...the list goes on.
on another lighter note: Shakori is here oct 8-11th!!! YES. there's a whole bunch of us going...sooo many. we just keep inviting more and more people because the more, the merrier (on the real.) we're going to camp in one huge tent and spend our time dancing to really really good music, eating good food, and being blissfully happened. it'll be my 3rd shakori and It's what's getting me through these next two weeks...
I'm visiting haverford/flanz, come november! so so excited. I shall interview @ haverford and swarthmore and spend as much time cuddling with flanzer. we're soulmates. i just know it.
phew, writing all of this really does help...back to psych / eng studying this post was mostly for me; being able to get all of these things out of my head and into a substantial setting, ie a screen where it can deal with all of this, not me, and i can move on
what long long times last week was rough mostly emotional. i'm emotional.
i've been sick, still have a running nose but es bueno i also volunteered @ centerfest this weekend, sat and sun, that was nice i ran a race sat morning before centerfest and had a pretty shitty time because i could barely breathe but i do enjoy leading. i really do.
at centerfest i got a really neat pendant made from a big vintage button and collage i also met this artist who makes the most amazing art: i talked to him and he said he's trying to make digital art accepted as a true art form i want to talk with him more. senior project? i would love love love it
isn't he just amazing? - combines digital media with found objects, antique photographs, his photographs, text, flea market finds, he makes jewelery. gawd.
The last...3 days, I suppose, have been absolutely gorgeous. perfect weather - blue sky, sun, not humid, 80ish degrees, birds chirping...almost feels like spring. I can't wait for fall, though. for all those cozy sweaters and boots and scarves. mm mm mm
haven't updated in oh so long..i've been swamped already w senior year
which is ridiculous, not even 2 weeks into it
we're gonna do 3-4 miles worth of 400s tomorrow in XC, i'm captain and having to arrange all this outside shit ap music isn't exactly hard yet, but i can tell it'll be my hardest class
i'm having college meetings, piano practices, xc 7 days a week, and homework on top of that i'm just so glad we have a 3 day weekend coming up
i don't wanna rant on about how busy/tired i am, because i'm absolutely sure everyone else is in the same boat as me, so that seems a lil self-centered, but i can just sympathize with the millions out there.
hopefully gonna see "taking woodstock" this weekend, which sounds super (!) get down fest is this weekend as well, fri-sun outside of hillsborough i think? first annual music festival. i kinda wanna check it out...
Gloria -
I have to write you this note and put it into your flat letter-box, I have gone sick after the embarrassing incident in the reception room when you caught me dropping my underpants when I was watching Tarzan on sky T.V. I beg you not to tell the girls at work about Tarzan as they would make fun of me. I will try my best to explain. Gloria I am 19 next week please do not ruin over Tarzan.